Dynamic Integrative Massage Techniques for the Upper Body Online Course

USD $16.00 for 2 weeks


Gain online access to a thorough and comprehensive demonstration features techniques to augment the massage therapist’s preferred treatment methods, while also providing step-by-step guidance to massage therapy students.

After viewing the DVD and reading the course materials, you can take the online quiz and pass test to earn  2.0 Continuing Education Credits NHPC..  Note: CEs will vary depending on country and authorizing association. on average NCBTMB:TBD

Limit of 2 weeks access to the course video upon purchase. You may only take the quiz and if you do not pass then you will need to purchase a retake token to gain access to the re-take the quiz.

SKU: CRS-IBT-1 Category: Tag:


Course Description
  • This thorough and comprehensive demonstration features techniques to augment the massage therapist’s preferred treatment methods, while also providing step-by-step guidance to massage therapy students.  This DVD can be used in sections, which are organized to ensure ease of use and applicability.   Instructor and (RMT)Registered massage therapist Paul Lewis demonstrates a variety of reparative therapies, focusing on the upper limbs, head/neck/shoulders, abdominals and back.  Lewis is best known for his use of Dynamic Angular Petrissage(DAP), a powerful, safe and effective technique that requires little physical effort on part of the therapist. Using DAP, one can continually assess the client’s response to treatment, gauging range of motion, tissue pliability, mobility, texture, tone, tenderness and temperature while treating.  Using DAP furthermore enhances the therapist’s awareness of his or her own posture and body mechanics.

    The techniques shown in this DVD are universally applicable and can be adapted for use with both the Massage Table and Massage Chair.   A case study is integrated to effectively support the clinical reasoning and rational for modalities, treatment positions, areas addressed and techniques utilized.  The therapies explained range from tissue preparation using hydrotherapy on both the table and chair, to unique techniques such as Triple Knuckle Stripping, as well as alternative treatment positions and draping options for clients who are unable to lay in a prone position.  A supplementary demonstration of “L” Circles provides both client and therapist with a simple yet beneficial self-care exercise.  The DVD is geared towards learning, reviewing and expanding of knowledge for the therapist from beginner to advanced.

Learning Objectives
  1. Identify draping techniques: preparing the client for treatment in both supine and prone positions
  2. Identify the concepts of DAP to augment massage treatment (very subtle technique)
  3. Identify placement of bolsters and pillows for client support and comfort
4 Identify land marking points to confirm the target tissue
  1. Identify techniques for supporting and mobilizing the client during treatment applications to reduce stress on the therapist and to protect the client
  2. Identify how reasoning and rationalizing using assessment results assist in determining which (MSK) structures to address
  3. Identify how to transfer clients safely from the table to the chair
Learning Outcomes
Students will be able to learn, review and practice: 1. Draping: preparing the client for treatment in both supine and prone also draping for Abdominal massage, back massage and draping for Head neck and shoulder treatment
  1. Mobilizing the client to use concepts of DAP treatment method 3. placement of bolsters and pillows for client support and comfort 4. land marking to confirm the target tissue, in the neck, jaw, chest area 5. Treatment techniques for addressing and adjusting pressure 6. How to transfer clients safely from the table to the chair

Additional information

Course Length

1.0 hours NHPC:2.0CEs

Continuing Education Credits


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